Children Nursery - Inspired Outdoor Play

Wilburton Nursery

Outstanding Ofsted Badge
  • Beach Babies
  • 95 Stretham Road
  • Wilburton
  • Ely
  • CB6 3RY
  • 01353 649675
  • 8am - 6pm, Mon-Fri
  • Open 51 weeks per year, excluding bank holidays.
  • Open 7:30am for prebooked early drop-offs
Fee Sheet Enquire

What can your child expect?

We want to meet your child’s needs at their own pace as they become more at ease with self-driven learning and exploration through play. We nurture children to enable them to become confident, resilient and joyful learners.


Campfires at both nurseries

Outdoor Space
Outdoor Space

Space to run, play and learn about the great outdoors.


We have trees and often plant more trees.


We have the niches that allow a wide range of fauna to thrive.

Big Play Equipment
Big Play Equipment

Children can challenge themselves or work as a team to problem solve, transport and construct with large items outside.


Through planting from seeds, nurturing and harvesting children learn a love of gardening & eating produce -from seed to table.


More staff than ofsted specify who work at lower ratios to provide consistent quality care.

Farm time
Farm time

Community opportunities to visit local farms and small holdings with friendly animals.

Outdoor Play
Outdoor Play

Children who experience the natural world every day, in every season know it and will care for it more.

These show only a snapshot of what we offer, to find out more contact us and come and see for yourself.


Tracy Hutchison Profile Photograph

Tracy Hutchison

Owner & Operator

Carolyn Evans Profile Photograph

Carolyn Evans

Senior Manager

Ali Swann Profile Photograph

Ali Swann

Manager of People and Culture

Isabelle Pettifor Profile Photograph

Isabelle Pettifor


Ewelina Solska-Barker Profile Photograph

Ewelina Solska-Barker

Deputy Manager

Sam Byard Profile Photograph

Sam Byard

Deputy Manager

Charlotte Jones Profile Photograph

Charlotte Jones

Deputy Manager

Devon has developed personally as a result of the care and nurture that each member of staff provide for her every day she attends. She has been provided a wide range of learning opportunities which has increased her confidence in areas such as physical development. Using age-appropriate outdoor activities which challenge her in a healthy developmental manner.

Christina and James, Happy parents of Devon


  • Landbeach
  • 84 Green End
  • Landbeach
  • Cambridge
  • CB25 9FD
  • 01223 860060