Children Nursery - Inspired Outdoor Play

Our Fees

What’s included for everyone

All meals, snacks and cows milk. Nappies, wipes, Metanium, Sudocrem. Waterproof bib and brace, suncream, sunhats, 2 weeks of settling in sessions.

Nursery education funding changes

In March 2023, the Government announced plans to increase access to funded childcare hours to include younger children. You may be eligible for 570 hours/yr funding for your child if you are working and earning at least the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the national living or minimum wage, but less than £100,000 a year.

If you are a couple then this applies to each of you – if one of you doesn’t work, or one of you earns over £100,000 you won’t be eligible.

To find out more about the new funding, please sign up on the government Childcare Choices website.

Childcare Funding

  • Most families will be eligible for childcare funding Apply for free childcare if you're working - GOV.UK
  • From September 2025 the funding for children under 3 yrs will double
  • If eligible you will also get 20% or up to £2000 from the government towards your childcare costs
  • These fees are the parental contribution and take into account funding

Funding at Beach Babies

  • We spread the funding across the year, giving you 12 equal monthly invoices.
  • We have a small number of funded spaces with no consumables/sustainability fees.
  • The remainder of spaces can utilise funding but incur a charge for both funded and unfunded hours.
  • We have a minimum attendance of 3 days a week, which must include a Monday or a Friday.
  • We accept Tax-Free Childcare.
  • We accept Childcare vouchers.


To register your baby complete and return a registration form, most parents register their child before birth, don’t worry we will update the form as you give us more information.

To secure your place you pay a registration fee of £150 and a deposit of the first months’ fees based on the current years prices. The fees are then set against your child’s first invoice when they start.

Both deposit and registration fee are non-refundable.

Fee Table

Standard pricing with funding

3 Days
4 Days
5 Days

Standard pricing without funding

3 Days
4 Days
5 Days

Standard pricing with extended funding

3 Days
4 Days
5 Days

Standard pricing with universal funding

3 Days
4 Days
5 Days
Child Nursery 10 months to 5 Years old

Age Range

  • We cater for children between the ages of 10 months to 5 years old.


  • Typical day: 8am - 6pm, Mon-Fri
  • Early Drop-off: 7:30am for prebooked early drop-offs.
  • Open 51 weeks per year, excluding bank holidays.
  • The nursery closes for one week between Christmas and New Year.

Early mornings

  • You can start the day at 7:30am. The Early Bird Club costs £7.50/morning and needs to be booked in advance.

Ad hoc days

  • Subject to availability, extra days in any given week are possible if we have space to accomodate.
Photographs from Beach Babies Nursery

A strong foundation for life

Beach Babies gives children a nurturing base from which they can challenge themselves to be the best they can be. We are there to support them as they strengthen their independence, their resilience and their creative curiosity.

Learn more

Campfires at both nurseries

Outdoor Space
Outdoor Space

Space to run, play and learn about the great outdoors.


We have trees and often plant more trees.


We have the niches that allow a wide range of fauna to thrive.

Big Play Equipment
Big Play Equipment

Children can challenge themselves or work as a team to problem solve, transport and construct with large items outside.


Through planting from seeds, nurturing and harvesting children learn a love of gardening & eating produce -from seed to table.


More staff than ofsted specify who work at lower ratios to provide consistent quality care.

Farm time
Farm time

Community opportunities to visit local farms and small holdings with friendly animals.

Outdoor Play
Outdoor Play

Children who experience the natural world every day, in every season know it and will care for it more.

These show only a snapshot of what we offer, to find out more contact us and come and see for yourself.

Dominic has been really comfortable at nursery from day one and clearly enjoys and is stimulated by all the activities. My husband and I are always impressed by the range and variety of activities. Highlights have been body painting, making play dough and the day the ice cream van came to visit!

Lucy, Happy mum of Dominic


  • Landbeach
  • 84 Green End
  • Landbeach
  • Cambridge
  • CB25 9FD
  • 01223 860060